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Annual benefit adjustments

These charts provide a history of the maximum annual benefit adjustments. The statutory caps are also noted. Choose the file that is applicable for the date of injury.

Benefit levels and provider fees

Benefit levels and provider fees as of Oct. 1 2023, and back through 2002

This features a history of the compensation rates and statewide average weekly wage (SAWW) from the 1970s to the present.

Note:  The SAWW effective Oct. 1, 2024, has been calculated according to the method described in Minnesota Statutes 176.011, subdivision 1b. Using the statistics received from the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development, the SAWW effective Oct. 1, 2024, will be $1,372. This is a 2.62% increase from the previous SAWW of $1,337. Last year's SAWW change was 3.89%. The average SAWW change since 2014 is 3.46%.

The maximum weekly benefit will increase from $1,363.74 to $1,481.76. The minimum weekly benefit will be set to $296.35 (20% of the maximum benefit). Annual benefit increases for workers injured on or after Oct. 1, 2013, are limited to a maximum 3% increase.

Common benefits, rates, wage, maximum fee and expenses chart

This chart features the following information.

  • Annual changes to the statewide average weekly wage

  • Family farm average annual wages

  • Interest rates

  • Maximum and minimum compensation rates and annual adjustments

  • Medical fee schedule conversion factors and independent medical examination (IME) fee schedule adjustments

  • Mileage and meal reimbursement rates

  • Supplementary benefit rates

  • Vocational rehabilitation maximum fees

Compensation rate information

This chart provides a history of the maximum, minimum and supplementary benefit rates since the mid-1970s.

Multiple annual benefit adjustments per Minnesota Statutes 176.645

These charts provide a multiplier to use when applying multiple annual adjustments to the compensation rate. Choose the file that is applicable for the date of injury.