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DLI main phone numbers

  • Call:  651-284-5005 or 800-342-5354

Wage and hour questions?

Minimum wage, PTO, employment laws, earned safe and sick time, paychecks, termination, breaks, employee rights, overtime, family and medical leave (FMLA), etc.

  • Call:  651-284-5075 or 800-342-5354 and press 5

    • To listen to recorded information about state wage and hour laws, call 651-284-5070.

  • Email:

  • Unemployment insurance:  visit

Licensing, permit and building codes questions?

Safety and health questions?

Minnesota OSHA Compliance:  Worksite complaints and investigations, OSHA standards, report serious injuries or work-related fatalities, etc.

  • Call:  651-284-5050 or 877-470-6742

  • After hours and weekends call:  800-321-6742 to report an accident, fatality or serious injury

  • Email:

Minnesota OSHA Workplace Safety Consultation:  Free assistance and on-site safety and health consultations, safety grants, etc.

Workers' compensation questions?

Alternative Dispute Resolution; Compliance, Records and Training; Special Compensation Fund; and Vocational Rehabilitation

  • St. Paul:  651-284-5032 or 800-342-5354 and press 3

  • Duluth:  218-733-7810 or 800-342-5354 and press 3

  • Email:

  • Workers' compensation reporting requirements for fatalities and serious injuries:  651-284-5041

Apprenticeship questions?

Helps employers customize and develop their employee training to develop a highly skilled and diverse workforce.

Minnesota Dual-Training Pipeline questions?

Helps employers develop industry-based, employer-driven, dual-training programs.

Youth Skills Training questions?

Development and implementation of experiential learning opportunities for students 16 and older.

  • Call:  651-284-5354 with questions about Youth Skills Training

  • Email:

General contact information