Work Comp Campus
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See also
Training materials, video recordings – current and archived (includes Campus Answer Hours)
About DLI's workers' compensation claims portal
View a video about Work Comp Campus (video created by CapTech)
Work Comp Campus, the Department of Labor and Industry's (DLI's) workers' compensation claims portal, rolled out Nov. 2, 2020. The move from a paper-based, form-driven system to an online and data-driven system allows Campus to be accessible and available on computers, tablets and smartphones, meeting the expectations of today's Minnesotans, who want quick, easy access to their workers' compensation claim information.
Work Comp Campus improves support to injured workers and provides greater insight into claims and disputes for all parties. It allows quicker access to claim information among its users to ensure work injuries are reported, treated and compensated in a streamlined manner.
Before even beginning to build Campus, DLI extensively surveyed internal and external groups of its then-current workers' compensation system users about what they need and how they want to access what they need. As each part of the system was built, it went through rigorous and varied testing, was cleaned up, corrected, sometimes expanded and was then tested again.
To build this state-of-the-art workers' compensation system, DLI partnered with Minnesota IT Services (MNIT), the Workers' Compensation Court of Appeals, the Office of Administrative Hearings, Thomson Reuters and the national IT consulting firm CapTech.
What does Campus mean for me?
More information, feedback
Contact the Workers' Compensation Division Help Desk at 651-284-5005 (press 3), 800-342-5354 (press 3) or
If you are a trading partner or vendor and have questions, comments or concerns about electronic data interchange (EDI), email
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To provide feedback, complete the Work Comp Campus feedback form.