Building plan review
We examine construction documents and supporting documentation for buildings funded by the state or a state agency and public school district as well as buildings licensed by state agencies like hospitals and prisons to ensure they meet State Building Code requirements. Building Plan Review staff.
Note: Initial applications for plan review are no longer required. Applicants can complete a plan review application online and will receive jurisdictional determination and further instructions. Or, a paper application for plan review can be submitted, which requires additional staff verification and could cause delays.
What you need to know
Other resources
Assisted Living Group R-3 "Dwelling Unit" Compliance – Fact Sheet
Quick Reference Guide to Automatic Sprinkler Systems in Residential Occupancies
Special Structural Testing and Inspection Program Summary Schedule
Submit plans online with ePlans
Electronic submission avoids the time and costs associated with printing and shipping plans. Visit the ePlans -- electronic plan review page for details. Submit your application for plan review online or check the electronic submission option on the paper plan review application form.
Contact us at 651-284-5857 or Contact your state regional building official.