New and Expanded Registered Apprenticeship Program Grant
Grant funding of up to $640,000 available, maximum award amount of $30,000.
Grant timeline
Proposals due: Applications are accepted on a rolling basis beginning Dec. 20, 2024, and continue until all funds have been awarded, or April 30, 2026, whichever comes first.
Grant decision making: Applications will be reviewed during the first week of each month, until funds are depleted.
Grant decision communicated: Awards will be made, at minimum, on a monthly basis.
This grant program seeks to aid employers with the development of new registered apprenticeship programs (RAP) or to expand existing programs in apprenticeable occupations, with priority given to programs in these targeted industries:
information technology,
advanced manufacturing,
health care,
the public sector, and
Incentive funding will assist with the costs of starting or expanding a registered apprenticeship program and may be used to cover the costs of employer staff time to operationalize program logistics, develop and instruct related instruction or recruit apprentices. Grant funds may also be used to purchase tools and supplies or pay for tuition for related instruction.
This program is 100% funded ($640,000) by a State Apprenticeship Expansion Formula – Competitive grant from the U.S. Department of Labor/Employment and Training Administration.
The grant program seeks proposals from entities that are looking to create a RAP or expand an existing RAP in apprenticeable occupations with priority given to these targeted industries: education, semiconductors, clean energy, information technology, advanced manufacturing, healthcare, hospitality and the public sector. Applicants may be an employer, employer association or apprenticeship committee.
Multi-organizational partnerships are not allowed for this funding.
Minimum eligibility requirements
Applicants must meet the minimum requirements below to be considered for an award of funding. If an application does not fully meet these requirements it will not be further reviewed.
To be eligible for funding, applicants must:
submit an application,
be an employer or a RAP in good standing in Minnesota, and
be an eligible applicant.
Award amount
The total available funding for the upcoming grant cycle is anticipated to total up to $640,000. Applicants may apply for up to $30,000.
Request for proposals (RFP) and application materials
Three webinars about the grant are scheduled. Register for a webinar using the links below.
Contact Ruth Taylor, DLI, at for help with questions or for technical assistance.